Aritifcial Intelligence (AI)

AI News: The Robots Are Coming in 2024


In this era of rapid technological advancements, artificial intelligence (AI) has taken center stage, and recent developments in the AI landscape have been nothing short of revolutionary. This article aims to highlight the latest AI news, groundbreaking research, technological advancements, and the imminent rise of robotic entities. Buckle up as we navigate the exciting world of AI and explore the transformative potential it holds.

GPT-Store unveiled

AI News: The Robots Are Coming in 2024

GPT-store declaration
The AI community is excited by OpenAI’s recent announcement – the launch of the GPT-Store. This innovative platform allows individuals to create custom chatbots using OpenAI’s GPT technology and later sell them on the GPT-Store. The announcement, made via a personal email to GPT builders, has sparked immense interest and speculation within the AI community.

Finding GPT-Store Capacity
Sam Emman’s revelation about the GPT-Store, which was initially shared during the November 2023 developer day, unfolds as a marketplace where users can create personalized chatbots and monetize them. The process involves sharing your GPT on the store, subject to certain guidelines. The most attractive aspect is the promise of revenue sharing for builders of the most useful and widely used chatbots, ushering in a new era of AI entrepreneurship.

OpenAI and news sources: Clash of the Titans

Lawsuit from the new york times
In a surprising turn of events, OpenAI faced legal action from The New York Times. The prominent media company alleges that ChatGPT provided verbatim excerpts of their articles, raising concerns about intellectual property and content ownership. This development highlights the challenges and ethical considerations arising from the integration of AI into news dissemination.

OpenAI’s strategy and revenue sharing
OpenAI’s approach of partnering with news sources for AI training has created controversy. While the company offers financial incentives, news giants like The New York Times and Forbes find the proposed deals inadequate. As AI is gaining popularity in news consumption, traditional media are facing a dilemma – embrace AI collaboration or risk losing ground to tech-driven content delivery.

Microsoft Co-Pilot Key

AI News: The Robots Are Coming in 2024

Integrating AI into the keyboard
Microsoft has entered AI territory with its Co-Pilot key – a feature set to adorn the keyboards of the future. This dedicated key provides quick access to Co-Pilot tools, emphasizing Microsoft’s commitment to incorporating AI into various aspects of the user experience. While seemingly subtle, this move reinforces the trend of seamlessly integrating AI into daily tasks.

Google gemini ultra update

cost of innovation
Google’s Gemini Ultra, an upgraded version of the Gemini Pro, promises an advanced AI experience but at a premium price. The Ultra variant shown in the demo boasts of better capabilities. As Google continues to advance its AI models, the market is anxiously awaiting the official release of Gemini Ultra and its potential impact on AI-powered applications.

Alibaba’s i2v Gen XL: Open-source image-to-video model

A new entrant in image-to-video technology
Alibaba has made a splash with i2v Gen XL, an open-source image-to-video model. Set to compete with existing models from companies like Runway and Pika, the i2v Gen XL claims to produce higher resolution and longer videos. As evidence of democratizing AI, Alibaba offers the model as open source, inviting developers to explore its capabilities.

Intel’s Articulate AI: A change in focus

Cloud Computing and GPU
Intel has made a strategic move into the AI landscape with the launch of Articulate AI – a subsidiary focused on providing cloud computing services and GPUs for AI applications. Although not directly involved in chip manufacturing, Articulate AI aims to empower businesses with the computational resources needed to train and run AI models.

Mind Reading AI: D-Wave’s Success

Wearable eeg for brain reading
D-Wave features a mind-reading AI that leverages electroencephalogram (EEG) technology. In a captivating demonstration, individuals wear EEG hats, allowing AI to interpret their thoughts and translate them into text. While still in its infancy, such technology is particularly promising for enhancing communication for individuals with paralysis.

US Courts and AI: Navigating the Legal Landscape

Role of AI in legal system
US courts face the transformative impact of AI in their year-end reports. While acknowledging the potential benefits of AI, the report underlines the irreplaceable role of human judgment, especially in the nuanced aspects of legal proceedings. Courts express caution, emphasizing the need for humans to understand subtle cues that AI may ignore.

DeepMind’s robotics research: A glimpse of the future

Auto RT and Sara RT
DeepMind unveils Auto RT and Sara RT, advancements in robotics research. Auto RT uses large models to enhance robot training, demonstrating its ability to learn tasks efficiently. Meanwhile, Sara RT focuses on making models more efficient through fine-tuning, with an emphasis on faster decision making and better performance.

The rise of general purpose robots

Mobile Aloha: a versatile robot
The robotics landscape evolves with the emergence of the mobile Aloha, a general-purpose robot capable of performing various tasks autonomously. From cooking shrimp to cleaning the bathroom, this robot showcases the potential of AI-powered automation. The teleoperation feature, which allows a human to guide the robot, adds a layer of versatility to its capabilities.

Rabbit Tech’s mysterious announcement

A gadget shrouded in mystery
Rabbit Tech builds anticipation with a secret announcement coming on January 9th. The teaser video intrigues viewers, showing individuals holding a pixelated device and interacting with a voice-activated assistant. The purpose of the blurry gadget remains a mystery, leading to speculation about its potential as a pocket-sized AI assistant.

Samsung’s AI-powered mobile experience

Samsung’s January 17 disclosure
Samsung has released an upcoming announcement on January 17, promising a new mobile experience powered by AI. The tech giant has been keeping details under wraps, raising curiosity about the integration of AI in its latest device. As Samsung continues to innovate, this unveiling is key to the next frontier in AI-infused mobile technology.

CES 2024: AI takes center stage

AI News: The Robots Are Coming in 2024

Unveiling the future of tech
The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2024 is set to usher in a wave of AI-focused innovations. Major players like Nvidia, LG and Samsung are set to showcase their latest advancements, reinforcing the theme that AI will permeate every aspect of technology. Prepare yourself for a week of unprecedented revelations.


In the dynamic landscape of AI, each development marks a step towards a future where technology is seamlessly integrated into our lives. From open-source initiatives to legal challenges, the AI narrative unfolds with ups and downs, keeping us on the edge of our seats. As we navigate this ever-evolving landscape, the symbiotic relationship between humans and AI becomes more apparent, promising a future where innovation knows no limits.


How can I get involved in AI development?

Getting started in AI development requires learning programming languages like Python, exploring machine learning frameworks, and staying updated on industry trends. Online courses and communities can provide valuable resources.
What are the ethical considerations in AI news consumption?

Ethical concerns in AI news consumption revolve around bias, misinformation, and privacy issues. It is essential to critically evaluate AI-generated content and be aware of the algorithms that shape our information landscape.
Is mind-reading AI a reality?

While mind-reading AI is in its early stages, technologies like D-Wave’s EEG-CAP-based system show promising results. However, as these technologies advance, ethical and privacy concerns need to be carefully considered.
How is AI impacting the legal system?

The impact of AI on the legal system includes automating routine tasks, improving research capabilities, and enhancing document analysis. However, concerns remain about the role of bias, accountability, and human judgment.
What can we expect from CES 2024?

CES 2024 promises to showcase cutting-edge AI innovations across various industries. Expect revelations of advancements in robotics, smart devices, and AI-powered applications.

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